Times have changed, and money is no longer kept under the mattress, but in the account. That's why we recommend an OTP Bank standard deposit that will bring you security and quick access to your income. In addition, our product will bring you profit, with interest accumulating month by month.
Interest up to 5.20% per year for deposits in LEI, 12 months term
Interest up to 1.75% per year for deposits in EUR, at 12 months term
Interest up to 3.50% per year for deposits in USD, at 12 months term
Calculate the amount you can get:
Advantages of a Standard Deposit
OTP Bank term deposits are available in LEI, EUR, USD, HUF, and GBP;
You can increase the saving rate due to the interest capitalization effect;
Automatically manage the standard deposit by choosing one of the three options available at maturity;
You have zero opening, liquidation and cash withdrawal fees*.
*only in the case of cash withdrawals from term deposits, at maturity date (this advantage doesn’t apply for term deposits with a maturity less than or equal to one month).
Options available at maturity
The automatic extension of the deposit with interest capitalization - the extension will be automatically made by the bank for an equal number of months with the initial option, using the interest rate valid at the date of the deposit extension, and the interest accrued for the previous period will be added to the initial deposit;
The automatic extension of the deposit without capitalization - the extension will be automatically made by the bank for an equal number of months with your initial option, using the interest rate valid at the time of the deposit extension and the interest accrued for the previous period will be transferred to the current account;
Automatic liquidation of the online deposit - we will transfer into your current account your deposit amount, as well as the appropriate interest.
*Terms of establishment may be 1, 3, 6 or 12 months.
Why do you need to open a standard deposit?
If you want to better manage your funds, you can always request a standard deposit at OTP Bank branches. You will need the Identity Card and a minimum amount of 100 LEI / USD / EUR, 250 GBP or 70.000 HUF to benefit from this advantageous deposit.
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How can you benefit from this deposit?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the money I have in my savings account at any time? How does this affect me?
Yes, money deposited in a savings account can be used at any time. You will still receive the interest calculated for the amount you have in your savings account.
When do I receive the interest for my savings from the savings account?
Interest is calculated based on the daily amount you have in your account and is transferred into your savings account at the beginning of the following month. The interest rate is variable and varies depending on cumulative instalments.
What is the minimum amount required to open a deposit?
To open a deposit account with OTP Bank, you need at least 100 LEI, 100 EURO, 100 USD, 250 GBP or 70.000 HUF. To find out the interest rate level applied depending on the amount deposited and the maturity period, go to this link.
How is the interest on deposits?
Interest on deposits is fixed and applies to the amount in the deposit account for the selected period.
Can I withdraw interest on deposits every month?
You can withdraw interest monthly only if you opt for the following options:
- Deposit in LEI, EUR, USD, HUF with one month maturity;
- Deposit in LEI, EUR on 1 year with fixed interest and monthly interest payment.