Manage your time efficiently by delegating monthly payments to the bank. This simplifies the payment process and offers you greater comfort. If you have an account opened at OTP Bank, this will be done automatically, through Intrabank Direct Debit, to service providers such as: Groupama, Metropolitan Life Insurance, Harviz S.A., C.A.R. Humania Cluj, OTP Leasing. Through Interbank Direct Debit, you empower the bank to pay utility bills to Vodafone, Enel, EFG Leasing and any other provider that accepts this method.
Reduced fees
Easy way to pay the bills
You only fill in one document, one time
What are the advantages of Direct Debit service?
Reduced fees;
Easy way to pay the bills;
You only fill in one document, one time;
Safe payments.
How to get the Direct Debit service?
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and let's discuss the best alternative for you.
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at (+4) 021 308 57 10.