3D Secure Service


As of July 30 2024, OTP Bank Romania is owned by Banca Transilvania and is no longer affiliated with OTP Group. The OTP brand is used under a temporary license. Visit the Questions and Answers section for more information.

3D-Secure is an international security standard for online payments, which aims to reduce e-commerce fraud. In case of loss or stolen, the card enrolled in 3D secure cannot be used by third parties for online shopping. 
All cards issued by OTP Bank are automatically enrolled in 3D Secure.

How does it work?

  • The European Payment Services Directive brings new legislative regulations for online payments in order for you to have an increased security with every online payment you make with OTP Bank cards through 3D Secure service.

    You have two options through which you can authorize online payments:

With SmartBank application, available on your mobile phone, you can now authorize online transactions made through OTP Bank cards, much more securely and quickly.

How do you enable biometric authentication in SmartBank?

  1. Access SmartBank mobile app for free from your Android or iOS phone:
  2. Enroll your OTP Bank card in SmartBank mobile app, OTPcards biometrics menu by using the last 10 digits of your card number and the last 6 digits of your CNP. 
  3. Confirm the card's registration by a verification code received on your mobile phone communicated to the bank and Congratulations! You can now authorize online payments directly from your mobile phone.

How do you pay online using biometric authentication from SmartBank?

After enrolling the OTP Bank card for biometric authentication, all your online card payments made on merchants' websites enrolled in the 3D Secure system as well, will be done as follows:

  1. Choose the product you want, complete the order and make the payment by entering card data (card number, expiry date, CVV/CVC code);
  2. You will receive a push notification on your mobile phone, which will direct you to SmartBank app, in the transaction data screen (amount, currency, merchant name). Select "Approve", the biometric authentication set on your phone will be verified and your online payment is successfully authorized;
  3. If you've changed your mind or don't recognize the payment, select „Reject” from the same screen;
  4. If you want to disable the biometric authentication option for online payments made with the OTP Bank card, you can delete the enrolled card from the SmartBank mobile app, OTPcards biometrics menu, Unregister option.

Access the tutorial below and find out how to authorize online payments directly from your mobile phone.

  • First factor: Starting with 1st January 2021, for the first online transaction made with your card, in the payment page, you will be asked to enter the static password, consisting of the last 6 digits of your CNP.
  • For security, it is necessary to change the initial static password, with a new 6-digit password, known only by you. For the following online transactions you will use the static password set by you in this step;
  • If you have forgotten the static password set by you, please call the ROMCARD SA Card Processing Center, at 021.402.0029. The password will be set to the initial value, consisting in the last 6 digits of your CNP; 
  • Second factor: Then you will be asked for the dynamic 3D Secure password, which you will receive as before, via SMS, at your mobile phone number communicated to the bank. You must enter this password on the merchant's payment page.

Access the tutorial below and see how you can authorize online payments with two factor authentication:

To enjoy secure payments through 3D Secure service, please make sure that your mobile phone number communicated to the bank is correct and current (if necessary, updating it can be done at any OTP Bank branch or online).

See here the Specific Terms and Conditions for using the 3D Secure service

What is 3D Secure Technology?

  • An authentication standard developed by the International Mastercard and VISA Card Organizations which ensure that online card transactions (E-Commerce) are made under strict security conditions, providing protection to cardholders through authentication methods;

  • The secure e-commerce system is implemented on merchants websites under the name "Mastercard Identity Check" for Mastercard and "Verified by VISA" for VISA cards, and can be identified through logos;

    Mastercard                visa


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