Temporaly closed agencies as a measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection


As of July 30 2024, OTP Bank Romania is owned by Banca Transilvania and is no longer affiliated with OTP Group. The OTP brand is used under a temporary license. Visit the Questions and Answers section for more information.

Please note that, starting with 13.04.2020, Cluj Grigorescu Agency, Arad Calea Radnei Agency, Bucharest Brancoveanu Agency, Bucharest Drumul Taberei Agency and Bucharest Piata Muncii Agency will temporarily be closed as a mesure to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.

Until the reopening you can visit any other OTP Bank unit in the city.

For further information, you can contact us from Monday to Friday, between 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., at the following phone numbers:
-    0800.88.22.88, free in all networks
-    021.308.57.10, standard price, available also from abroad