
We would like to draw your attention to the increase in spoofing fraud attempts, where attackers call potential victims from a phone number that appears to be the bank's and pose as employees of financial institutions. We advise you to be vigilant and not to share confidential data such as bank account access credentials (IB) or bank card security data with anyone.

Use SMART your OTP Bank card

Let’s go shopping! Use your card to win more coll prizes!

Monthly prizes: 3 Altex vouchers in value of Lei 1,000 each
Grand prize: 1 smart EQ fortwo car

Pay every time with your debit card in lei, issued by OTP Bank, in the country or abroad, in stores or online, and you can create your personal universe inside a smart EQ fortwo car.

Nothing easier! You are automatically entered into the monthly lucky draws for any payment you made, if:

  • You are between 18 – 25 years old (underage) at the time of the transaction
  • Pay with your debit card in Lei during 15.01.2024 – 14.06.2024 (if you don’t have a debit card, you can ask for it in any of the OTP Bank branches)

For more details regarding the right to participate and how to run the campaign, please find the Campaign Rules "Use smart your OTP Bank card and win a smart EQ fortwo car!" from the Campaigns section on the website

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